Broken Bone Lawyer

When you break a bone in a car accident or a fall, it is wise to seek immediate treatment whether you have the means to pay for it or not. If your injury is the result of somebody else’s mistakes or negligence, that person is responsible for paying your related expenses, but any delays in a settlement can put you in a significant financial bind. A broken bone lawyer can expedite settlement negotiations or the court process to get the compensation you are entitled to by law before your life is in financial ruins.
Top Causes of Broken Bones
Physical trauma is the most common cause of fractures. If you choose to participate in a hazardous sport like snowboarding, you are likely aware of the risk you are taking. However, if a car flies out of nowhere, knocking you off your bicycle, you are unprepared for the injury and its consequences. A broken bone lawyer should be one of the first people you speak with once you are out of harm’s way.
Types of Broken Bones
The severity of your injury, your recovery, and your damages depend upon the position, extent and type of fracture you sustain. Some different types of breaks include:
- Stable, in which the bone ends are still aligned
- Compound, with a corresponding break in the skin
- Traverse, with the bone broken horizontally
- Oblique, in which the fracture line is angled
- Comminuted, with the bone broken into at least three sections
How badly your bone is broken determines whether you get a cast right away or need to undergo surgery first. For example, many comminuted fractures need to be pieced together and immobilized with plates and screws so that they heal properly.
Most Commonly Broken Bones
The clavicle, or collarbone, is among the most commonly broken bones. You could break your collarbone if your airbag fails to deploy during an accident, and you hit your steering wheel hard. Other common sites of broken bones are your arms, which account for about half of all fractures in adults. Many people break their arms because they reach out to brace themselves during a collision or a fall, which puts extreme pressure on the bones. The ankles and feet are the next most frequent sites of fractures, which may result from bracing yourself for impact with your feet against the floor of the vehicle. Twisting your ankle during an accident or sports event can also cause fractures.
Damages and Compensation for Bone Fractures
Any surgery can get extremely expensive, and broken bone surgery is no exception. Even if your fracture is more straightforward, you still face a period of recuperation during which you cannot use your broken limb. This may mean the loss of income and enjoyment of life. If someone else is responsible for your injury, a broken bone lawyer will negotiate compensation that includes both payment of your medical bills, payment for any future related expenses, and recompense for intangible losses like pain and suffering.
Where to Turn in California
In California, we provide the legal savvy you need to secure the compensation you are entitled to by law for your personal injury. At Rizio Lipinsky Heiting, you can count on prompt action and follow through to protect your rights and your economic future. Get in touch today by phone, 888-292-8888, or by submitting our online contact form, and schedule your free preliminary consultation.
- This article should only be used for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice, and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with anyone. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney in your community.