San Bernardino
Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If you were injured while riding your motorcycle, contact one of our San Bernardino Motorcycle Accident Attorneys today. Our motorcycle accident lawyer will determine whether you can file a lawsuit against the person who caused your injury. Read the following eight tips for more information about the legal and statistical aspects attributed to motorcycle accidents:
Do I need an attorney?
Whether you need an attorney for a motorcycle accident depends on your situation. You should hire an attorney if you were involved in a motorcycle accident caused by negligence. You must work with a personal injury lawyer to file a lawsuit. Filing a claim against the negligent party may result in your receiving monetary compensation for your injury. Negligence covers a variety of factors, including traffic lights that do not work, faulty road signs, unsafe highways, and distracted drivers. You do not need to hire a motorcycle accident attorney if your injury was not caused by negligence.
Do motorcycle accidents affect car insurance?
Yes, a motorcycle accident affects car insurance if you are the person who caused the accident. Your insurance company automatically accesses your driving record with the Department of Motor Vehicles in the state where you reside. Your insurance rate will most likely increase if your record shows that you caused one or more motorcycle accidents. If you operate a motorcycle, you must have liability insurance coverage. Also, you must wear a safety helmet even if you have motorcycle insurance. If you own an automobile and a motorcycle, note that you need to have separate motorcycle insurance coverage for your motorbike.
How bad are these types of accidents?
Motorcycle accidents are often devastating to the victims who incur serious injuries. People who are involved in motorcycle accidents can experience various types of debilitating injuries. Traumatic brain injuries are common. A person with a traumatic brain injury caused by a motorcycle accident may suffer severe short-term memory loss. Neck injuries may result in death. Road rash causes severe skin problems often leading to infections.
A person involved in a motorcycle accident may experience muscle damage or problems with the eardrum. Biker’s arm may result in permanent damage to the nerves in the victim’s arm. Motorcycle accidents can also cause fractures in one or both knees or result in leg amputations. If you suffer from injuries caused by a motorcycle accident, contact our San Bernardino motor accident lawyer today for a free consultation.
Common accident causes?
Head-on collisions frequently cause motorcycle accidents. A head-on collision occurs when an automobile hits the front of a motorcycle resulting in a fatality to the motorcyclist. Other causes include motor vehicles striking motorcycles during left-hand turns. Drivers making left-hand turns are typically viewed as negligent motor vehicle operators unless the motorcyclists are guilty of speeding or violating other rules. An automobile driver may cause a motorcycle accident while turning into the same lane. Failure to notice a blind spot may result in a serious injury to a motorcyclist. For information of motorcycle safety from the California Highway Patrol click here.
Approximately 5,000 people die as a result of motorcycle accidents each year. Every state has its own statistics. For example, motorcycle accidents in Texas total more than 8,000 crashes per year. In California, approximately 12,000 people are injured as a result of motorcycle crashes each year. If you are paying medical bills for your injury, contact our motorcycle accident lawyer to arrange a free consultation.
How much money can I get from a motorcycle accident?
The amount of monetary compensation you receive from a motorcycle accident depends on the seriousness of your case. Expect to collect additional monies if you have extensive medical expenses and plan to incur more medical expenditures in the future. You may also receive a settlement that includes reimbursement for pain, suffering and lost wages. Plus, a case of negligence causing you to have a permanent disability may result in a higher settlement. Contact our motorcycle accident attorney now if you believe your injury was caused by negligence.
How can I avoid a motorcycle accident?
Take a course on motorcycle safety to ensure that you understand how to operate a motorcycle without risking unnecessary accidents. Always assume that other drivers do not see your motorcycle. Allow yourself space between your motorcycle and other vehicles. Avoid cars that are in the process of backing up. Get used to looking in your mirrors for potential problems. Take extra precautions whenever a car is making a left turn in an intersection. Drivers turning left at intersections are responsible for numerous motorcycle crashes.
Do not ride between other vehicles. Protect yourself from the possibility of incurring a head injury by wearing a protective helmet on your head. Never ride your motorcycle for even a few minutes without wearing a helmet. Wear boots, gloves, long pants, leather materials and clothes featuring bright colors. Do not take any chances when riding your motorcycle. Protect yourself from accidents by ensuring that you maintain your motorbike on a regular basis. Yet it is not always possible to avoid a motorcycle accident. If you are injured, call our motorcycle accident lawyer now.
What should I do after an accident?
Call 911 if you are injured. Always go to the nearest hospital immediately even if you do not think you have any injuries. Call the police department. Gather names and contact information of witnesses. Take detailed photos of the accident. Obtain a copy of the police report and medical test results. Try to remember the environment where your accident occurred. Pay attention to road and weather conditions. Above all, never admit that you caused the accident.
Contact our San Bernardino motorcycle accident lawyer right away to find out if you have a negligence lawsuit. Do not delay. If you take too long to call our legal firm, the statute of limitations may prevent you from filing a claim against the negligent party. Call our San Bernardino motorcycle accident attorney right away.
- This article should only be used for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice, and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with anyone. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney in your community.
A Review of Rizio Lipinsky Heiting
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Rizio Lipinsky Heiting - San Bernardino